Credits Section

Shadow Company PMC Credits

Pictures/media: O-1 2nd Lieutenant jimi202 (Hydra) & E-5 Sergeant DamianBeaterSao (Hitch), O-7 Special Operations Director Razer47155 (King), and O-7 Special Operations Director ScuBerThaN2 (Dagger)
Reviewers for initial launch: O-9 Deputy Commander Arkhaion (Umbra), O-10 Commander ReixoWasTaken (Reix), O-1 2nd Lieutenant jimi202 (Hydra)
Videos: O-10 Commander ReixoWasTaken (Reix)

Non-Shadow Company PMC Credits (includes visitors)

Pictures / Media: European Marine Corps, Freelance Builders Team

Videos: Youtube Channel Xolve, s6ldierboy

(If representatives can give me the specific names of the people who made the pictures and video in the factions section, that would be greatly appreciated)

Website created by O-5 Geodashplayer73
Special thanks to Shadow Company Command for letting me construct this, as well as all of our Operatives, Departments and Divisions for making everything possible.