Shadow Company Application Center

This is the Shadow Company PMC Application Center where you can see a variety of applications for our Operatives to put in. These applications will have their current status displayed and will also have the link to the application if they are open. We encourage Operatives to apply for whatever peaks their interest.

Shadow Company Application Catalog

RGE Department Application

The Real-Time Game Editor (RGE) department manages all RGE affairs and operations of the faction. You will mainly see them working along with the other departments to create an authentic experience for all members of the faction. They are mainly working with the lore writing department to plan out certain lore operations hosted by officers.

Moderation Department Application

The moderation department manages all internal moderation affairs of the faction and operates strictly under the department head, the officer corps and the oversight echelon. They manage all moderation affairs and enforce the rules and guidelines within the discord server in Shadow Company. They are the main force of rule enforcement and following.

Lore Writing Department Application

The lore writing department manages all lore of the faction and specialises in lore writing, as their name suggests and they are usually working with the RGE department, as said below to create an authentic experience for all members of Shadow Company PMC. They will write lore and coordinate lore operations hosted by officers.

External Affairs Department

The external affairs department is responsible for all foreign affairs activity within shadow company, and frequently organizes alliances and joint events with our affiliated factions. The external affairs department represent shadow company in our affiliations and alliances with other factions.

Our External Affairs Department also is tasked with assisting in investigations and will sometimes work with Security Command.

Propaganda Department Application

The propaganda department specialises in video and photo editing, and creates experienced, authentic and well-edited photos or videos for the faction to use in their advertisement, or just to put into the gallery channel on the discord for show. They usually work with the department of RGE to make their propaganda look more realistic and authentic.

Officer Corps Application

The Shadow Company Officer Corps is the main administrative body in the PMC. All officers are very experienced in various matters both administrative and in the field.

This application is designed to be difficult. This application will be only open for a week, depending on how many people apply. We are accepting 2-3 officers. The requirements to apply are listed below. Leaking this application will result in your immediate termination from this faction.