Promotion Handling and Information
This page will include information about promotions in Shadow Company in general. To see further details on promoting to a specific rank, click the button below to go to the Rank Overview page.
How to promote as an enlisted.
Enlisted PMC members are promoted by attending events and earning points. More points may be given at the host’s discretion if the overall event is done with great efficiency. Most events give two points but higher stake events can give more points.
How to promote as a Non-Commissioned Officer
Methods on promoting as a Non-Commissioned Officer depend on where an Operative’s status is in the NCO Corps. Junior Non-Commissioned Officers can promote by co-hosting events, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers are handpicked by lower and medium level officers, and Warrant Officers are handpicked by higher ranking officers. It is expected that Operatives are aware of the increase in responsibility for each promotion.
How to promote as a PMC Officer.
PMC Officers are always handpicked for promotions from senior officers. The majority of promotions are done by the PMC Headquarters and achieving higher officer ranks depend on your status within a division. Headquarters determines when and who to promote based on a variety of factors such as contributions, activity, leadership and more.
How do I request my promotion?
If you have a sufficient number of points, then just ping or DM and officer what rank you are being promoted to, and how many points you have. You should be ranked within one day of the request. This same system goes for being promoted by events co-hosted as a Non-Commissioned Officer.
Officers and more senior Operatives of the NCO Corps do not have a set criteria to meet and do not request for promotions, they will be promoted when/if the appropriate authority deems a promotion necessary or warranted.
How do I keep track of my events co-hosted / points?
If you are trying to look at the number of points you have, first go to the bot_commands channel in the Shadow Company main server. From there, run the command /back balance with the points bot.
If you are looking for how many events you have co-hosted as a Non-Commissioned Officer, simply go to the Shadow Company server, select the “mentions: user” option on the chat box located on the top right corner of the screen above the member list. From there, type and select your codename and callsign, and then type in “Event Logs” in the chat box. This will pull up every time you have been mentioned in an event, from there, simply count how many times you have been logged as a co-host.
Make sure you know how many events you have co-hosted and have the links to the logs in case.