Mechanized Infantry Command Overview
Mechanized Infantry Command Headquarters
Mechanized Infantry Command Commander: Special Operations Director ScuBerThaN2 (Dagger)
Mechanized Infantry Division Director: Colonel aquaculture0924 (Tex)
General Division Knowledge
The Mechanized Infantry, also known as the armored infantry. Mechanized infantry units played a significant role in the beginning of combat operations armored infantry, are infantry Soldiers equipped with armored track or wheeled vehicles used to move soldiers during heavy fire fights. The sole purpose of the mechanized infantry is to diminish and eliminate all capabilities of the enemy as well as supply the enemy with a massive rate of fire.
Proper use of grammar and maturity
Able to follow strict orders.
Heavy vehicle driving skills.
Ability to act as a heavy soldier.
Good combat skills.
How to join Mechanized Infantry Command
To join the mechanized infantry division, you must have skills in being a heavy combative (both offensive and defensive) soldier. You must also have excellent driving skills in managing heavy vehicles to completely diminish enemy defenses and escape/supply routes. Tryouts are hosted occasionally.
Declassified Mechanized Infantry Command Ranks
Recruit - First rank of MID. Junior rank. Yet to prove their dedication and loyalty.
Private - Backbone of MID.
Private First Class - Experienced enlisted members of MID, experienced with helicopter and airborne operations.
Corporal - Extremely experienced members of MID and the top of the enlisted tree.
Sergeant - Squad leaders and the first NCO rank.
Sergeant Major - Chief NCOs and squad leaders.
Lieutenant - MID officer. Force of hosting events and managing operatives.
Colonel - Senior officer of MID.
Mechanized Infantry Director - Right hand man of the MID commander, assists with managing the division.
Mechanized Infantry Commander - Overseer of AIC, commands everything that is AIC-related and the predominant division leader.