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PMC Training Events

We offer many training events to help improve and refine the skills of our operators, as well as teach our operators new tactics, skills and techniques for various scenarios. This page will list the training events we conduct and a brief overview of each event.

Basic Trainings

Basic Trainings are events that all E-0 Recruits must attend and pass in order to rank up to E-1 Private. Once people rank up to Private, they are then able to progress further within Shadow Company by attending the full roster of our events. E-0 Recruits can still attend any event but they are unable to gain anything of worth such as points until they pass a Basic Training. After an E-0 Recruit ranks up to a Private, they may also join Departments, Divisions, and fill out any applications that may come out among other things.

Combat Environment Trainings

Combative environment trainings are used to give units a combative experience and improve their combative skills in both PVP and aiming. As the name suggests, Operatives will learn how to fight in all types of environments and situations be it urban or forest.

PVP Trainings

PVP trainings are a test of somebody’s skills. There aren’t any phases as it is just 1v1s, but it is  recommended (highly recommended) to do it on the 1v1 RGE build (built by Northstar, you can get it from him). Points to be given depend on performance in the event.

Breaching Trainings

Breaching trainings are to test somebody’s breaching tactic skills. You may use a breaching room for this or request a breaching room build from Hydra. Proper battle communication is required during this. More advanced breaching tactics may also be covered in these such as j-hooks or anchored cover.