Shadow Company Officer PMC Corps Overview

The Shadow Company Officer Corps is the main administrative body in the PMC. All officers are very experienced in various matters both administrative and in the field. All officers either enter via applications or they pass Officer Academy. Members who go through applications have their applications reviewed by the O-10 Commander themself. Operatives who obtain officer status through Officer Academy are more trained and equipped to adjusting to becoming a member of the Shadow Company Officer Corps.

The Shadow Company Officer Corps has three different types of officer status. Company Grade / Junior Officers, which encompasses O-1 2nd Lieutenant to O-3 Captain, Senior Officers / Field Grade Officers which encompasses O-4 Major to O-7, Special Operations Directors, and High Command which consists of the O-8 Operations Coordinator, O-9 Deputy Commander and O-10 Commander.

Junior Officers are the main body of the officers responsible for hosting events for Shadow Company. They also hold authority on all enlisted and most NCO ranks. Junior Officers are the most common officer to see on the field and they specialize in ensuring all operations are successful, training enlisted and the Non-Commission Officer Corps’ skills are always improving, and mentoring subordinates.

Senior Officers are more experienced in administrative matters but are still very deadly on the battlefield. Senior Officers mostly help in managing the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps. However, Senior Officers also assist and have a say in huge changes that come to Shadow Company as a whole.

High Command are the at the highest echelon of authority in Shadow Company. This section of the Officer Corps are still very deadly but do a great bulk of Shadow Company’s administrative work and operational organization among many other things. They are considered the most prestigious and influential individuals in the Shadow Company PMC.

Junior Officers/ Company Grade Officers

O-1 Second Lieutenant

This rank is the rank that is obtained after an Operative either completes Officer Academy or passes an Officer Application. Second Lieutenants are the main officer body that hosts events and holds authority over the majority of ranks below them.

O-2 First Lieutenant

First Lieutenants are a bit more experienced than their Second Lieutenant counter-parts, they are still apart of the main body for hosting events and also hold authority over the majority of ranks below them, excluding Second Lieutenants. You must be handpicked for this promotion.

O-3 Captain

Captains are more senior than Lieutenants, and they are called upon by senior officers to assist in their duties when needed. They once again hold authority over nearly all ranks subordinate to them excluding First Lieutenants.

Senior Officers / Field Grade Officers

O-4 Major

Majors is the first Senior Officer rank in Shadow Company. They hold and command all ranks subordinate to them. They assist in managing the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps. Operatives who hold this status are handpicked.

O-5 Lieutenant Colonel

Lieutenant Colonels command and hold authority over all ranks below them. They are eligible to be appointed to the position of NCO Coordinator, but this mainly falls to an O-6 Colonel due to an O-6 having more experience.

O-6 Colonel

Colonels command and have authority over all subordinates. They are also second in command of their respective division. Colonels are mainly appointed to the position of NCO Coordinator but there are other ways to obtain Colonel status. Colonels report to the Operations Coordinator.

O-7 Special Operations Director

The Special Operations Directors are the heads of each division within Shadow Company and there can only be a director for each division in Shadow Company. The current cap for this position is two as there are only two divisions excluding Security Command. To obtain this rank, you have to obtain the highest rank in your respective division.

Shadow Company High Command

O-8 Operations Coordinator

The Operations Coordinator oversees and commands the Officer Corps, and oversees the NCO Corps and personally appoints the NCO Coordinator. They are also the one to manage the Moderation Department and they are third in command in the entirety of Shadow Company. There can only be one Operations Coordinator and they are handpicked by the Deputy Commander and Commander.

O-9 Deputy PMC Commander

The PMC Deputy Commander holds authority over all below them and has a say in everything. The Deputy Commander also commands Security Command along with OVERSIGHT. To obtain this rank, you must be handpicked by the PMC Commander.

O-10 PMC Commander

The PMC Commander is the highest rank one can ever achieve in Shadow Company. The Commander holds the final say in everything, and is the highest authority in our faction. The only way to obtain this rank is if the current PMC Commander retires and chooses you to take their place.