Shadow Company PMC Non-Commissioned Officer Corps Overview

The Non-Commissioned Officer is a vital part of the day to day, week to week, month to month operations of Shadow Company. They are entrusted with more responsibility than an Enlisted Operative. They are able and encouraged to co-host events to help out where needed. Non-Commissioned Officers are also able to command squads and teams when out on combat scenarios.

The Non-Commissioned Officers have three different levels of seniority, Junior Non-Commissioned Officers, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers, and Warrant Officers. Junior Non-Commissioned Officers are the main body that makes up field leaders such as squad leaders, team leaders, and recon units.

Senior Non-Commissioned Officers have authority over Junior Non-Commissioned Officers and are expected to help train and mentor Junior Non-Commissioned Officers on top of co-hosting events. Senior Non-Commissioned Officers get to help out in making suggestions and changes to Shadow Company. On top of this, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers primarily have to be handpicked by an officer for a promotion.

Shadow Company Warrant Officers are among the most seasoned and veteran Operatives of Shadow Company, they are handpicked by senior leadership and are the most trusted out of the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps. They are able to help out with more senior matters in Shadow Company and they also manage the rest of the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps.

Junior Non-Commissioned Officers

E-4 Corporal

Corporals are the senior-most enlisted rank. They are seasoned Operators and are efficient in a variety of tactics, skills, techniques, and scenarios. It is also expected but not required that a Corporal is a member of a division, department or even both. Corporals are eligible to eventually be promoted to Non-Commissioned Officers within Shadow Company where they will enter the next step of their careers. Corporals are trusted enough to the point where they are able to command small teams or squads in the absence of an NCO.

E-5 Sergeant

Sergeants are members who have passed their transition from Enlisted to a Non-Commissioned Officer. They are trained in NCO matters and are capable of leading a squad of Operatives. This rank is obtainable by passing the NCO application.

E-6 Staff Sergeant

Staff Sergeants do are medium to low-ranking Non-Commissioned Officers who are a cut above Sergeants but cannot order Sergeants around. Staff Sergeants have authority over Corporals and below and are more experienced in squad and tactics matters than Sergeants. This rank is obtainable by co-hosting eight events. Staff Sergeants and the ranks beyond are also eligible to go to Officer Academy.

Senior Non-Commissioned Officers

E-7 Sergeant First Class

Sergeant First Classes are extremely experienced Non-Commissioned Officers and have authority over all Enlisted members and E-5 Sergeants. This rank is obtainable by co-hosting fifteen events.

E-8 Master Sergeant

Master Sergeants are incredibly trusted and capable individuals. Operatives holding this rank have full authority over all ranks below then including E-7 Sergeant First Class Operatives. This rank is obtainable only by being recommended the rank by an Officer.

E-9 Sergeant Major

Sergeant Majors have full authority over all ranks subordinate to them including Operatives holding E-8 Master Sergeant status. Sergeant Majors report directly to the Officer Corps and assist them with their duties by whatever means available when needed. There is only to be two Operatives who hold Sergeant Major status.

PMC Warrant Officers

WO - Warrant Officer

Warrant Officers are the directorate of the Non-Commissioned Officers and assist with senior matters in Shadow Company as a whole. People who hold Warrant Officer status are not part of the Officer Corps but are extremely dedicated members of the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps, hence why they are given great responsibility and influence in Shadow Company. To achieve this rank, you must be handpicked by a member of senior leadership.

CWO - Chief Warrant Officer

A Chief Warrant Officer is the highest Non-Commissioned Officer Operative besides the Non-Commissioned Officer Coordinator. The position of Chief Warrant Officer warrants as much prestige as an O-6 Colonel to an O-7 Director. They are the most committed, competent, and overall well rounded members of the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps and as such they carry much status by their side. This rank is the most prestigious rank that is not an officer and Operatives holding Chief Warrant Officer status are to be highly respected. Chief Warrant Officers are handpicked by High Command.