PMC Enlisted Ranking Structure Overview

This section will go over the details of the Shadow Company Enlisted Ranks and their role within Shadow Company.

E-0 Recruit

Recruits are members of Shadow Company who have recently joined the faction and wish to become a Shadow Company Operative. Recruits are not able to join Divisions, Departments, apply for anything, or rank up until they have passed their Basic Training. Recruits are allowed to attend other events other than Basic Trainings to get a feel for our faction, but they will not earn progress towards their next rank until they complete their Basic Training.

E-1 Private

This rank is awarded to people who have attended and passed their Basic Training. Privates are now official Shadow Company Operatives and are now permitted to do the aforementioned things that Recruits couldn’t such as joining a division. Private will begin to earn the necessary requirements towards future ranks at this point which means that they are able to promote further via attending events as well as other tasks.

E-2 Specialist

This rank is awarded to people who have managed to obtain 6 points. They are usually guiders of Recruits and Privates and guide them on how to become better Operatives and improve.

E-3 Private First Class

Members of this rank are more experienced in Shadow Company and can guide Recruits and Privates where needed. They are more efficient in various tactics and are can even be field appointed to be a squad leader’s assistant.