Welcome to the Shadow Company PMC Music (Videos) and Edits Exhibit!

This exhibit contains various videos and Shadow Company edits. There may also be groups of creations, which consists of videos or music done by one person.

Dedicated Video Maker Section.

Dedicated artists will gain their own dedicated page due to their dedication to contributing to the community via content creation and videomaking. If you are an active contributor and fulfill the requirements listed below for the Propaganda, then DM an officer for the request.

-3 videos (whether you edited, directed, or filmed the video, it counts for this requirement, being in a video does not count)

If any piece has been mis-credited, please open a ticket in the Shadow Company Discord Server.

Also, no Reix, the videos that go on the Shadow Company YouTube Channel do not count, unless you yourself edited or filmed or directed the video.

Shadow Company PMC Museum Music (Videos) and Edits Gallery

Make it
stand out.

Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Production Staff: s6ldierboy
Ranks (in order listed above): Visitor
Type of Video: Edit
Department: Department of Propaganda
Division: N/A

Production Staff: s6ldierboy
Ranks (in order listed above): Visitor
Type of Video: Edit
Department: Department of Propaganda
Division: N/A

Production Staff: s6ldierboy
Ranks (in order listed above): Visitor
Type of Video: Edit
Department: Department of Propaganda
Division: N/A

Production Staff: s6ldierboy
Ranks (in order listed above): Visitor
Type of Video: Edit
Department: Department of Propaganda
Division: N/A